The buzz around the next big film of the year, Kamal Haasan’s ‘Manmadhan Ambu’ has started. According to latest news available the audio of ‘Mamnadhan Ambu’ is scheduled to be released on October 27.
The film was expected to hit the theaters for Diwali and now the new release date has been announced as December 10.
‘Mamadhan Ambu’ starring Kamal, Madhavan, Trisha and Sangeetha is a situational comedy. In the film, Kamal Haasan plays a private detective hired by Madhavan to go after his love Trisha to confirm her sincerity. The film was mostly shot in Europe and that is going to be a treat.
Directed KS Ravikumar who is a master craftsman has ensured that this comic caper also make it to the top like all his other classic comedies with Kamal like Thenali, Panchathanthiram etc.
Friday, October 8, 2010
‘Manmadhan Ambu’ Release Date December 10
9:21 AM
Karthikh Venkat
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