It was a special screening of 30-minute-long Rakta Charitra footage for the press by the movie’s director Ram Gopal Varma. Also present were the stars of the film Vivek Oberoi and Shatrughan Sinha. But when the director said the movie is not for the people who like Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham, media people were left aghast.
As all know, Ramu loves to take potshots at Karan Johar and the kind of films he makes and his Twitter account clearly bears the proof, but talking like this about someone’s film in public is a new for Ramu. Talking about Rakta Charitra at the event, he said, “In terms of the pitch of the film, I just want to quote an incident that happened with Hollywood filmmaker Quentin Tarantino.”
“When he showed his first film ‘Pulp Fiction’ to people, he apparently went on stage and asked the people that did any one of them like the ‘Rain Man’. About 30-40 people raised their hands. He told those people to leave because he said that this film was not for them.”
Extrapolating from this,Ramu added that Rakta Charitra, which is about a slain factionist and political leader from Andhra Pradesh, Paritala Ravi, is not for the people who like ‘Kabhie Khushi Kabhie Gham’.
related keywords:rakta charitra vivek oberoi, surya, latest rakta charitra, ram gopal varma latest mo vie,Rakta Charitram,Raktta Charitram suriya,Rakttha Charittram latest news.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Rakta Charitra is not for people who like Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham
10:47 AM
Karthikh Venkat
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