Updated CGPA for coimbatore anna university students

Step 1: http://www.auexams.com/cas/HomepageintelliCAS.aspx
Step 2 : Enter your GAC number in there you will get updated result [Middle right corner of page]
Step 3 : GAC number is in your mark sheet of last sem..[ Top right coner of marksheet]
Note: Use your GAC numbet it is in your marksheet [Top right coner]
Visit : Students3k.com
GAC number,AU Coimbatore,Anna university coimbatore,CGPA Anna university coimbatore,Latest CGPA Anna university coimbatore,Updated CGPA Anna university coimbatore,New CGPA Anna university coimbatore,increased CGPA Anna university coimbatore,CGPA AU,AU CGPA updated,updated AU CBE CGPA ,CGPA CBE,

Step 1: http://www.auexams.com/cas/HomepageintelliCAS.aspx
Step 2 : Enter your GAC number in there you will get updated result [Middle right corner of page]
Step 3 : GAC number is in your mark sheet of last sem..[ Top right coner of marksheet]
Note: Use your GAC numbet it is in your marksheet [Top right coner]
Visit : Students3k.com
GAC number,AU Coimbatore,Anna university coimbatore,CGPA Anna university coimbatore,Latest CGPA Anna university coimbatore,Updated CGPA Anna university coimbatore,New CGPA Anna university coimbatore,increased CGPA Anna university coimbatore,CGPA AU,AU CGPA updated,updated AU CBE CGPA ,CGPA CBE,